Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekly Update

Hello parents and students!

I’m sorry for the delayed post, I’m afraid to say technology has not been on my side this week but luckily internet has decided to work consistently all weekend (yay!).  I hope everyone had a great spring break, it was so relaxing (minus digging my car out of the snow today).

I’m excited that the students and I will be moving into our inquiry work with a new Canadian community.  The focus now is on the Acadian communities of the East coast.  Below are links related to Acadian culture and history but we are expanding on that and focusing also on current events in those places and how life is the same, but also different from us.  I’m struggling a bit to find student friendly sites for the age group about current events and present life of Acadians but I’m going to extend my resource base and see what I can find in the next week or so.  If anyone has anyone they could share with the class please let me know!

We’re working on our boats and buoyancy unit, it’s going to be a great link with our social studies inquiry work and I look forward to the experiments we can do in class!

As mentioned during interviews, I found a great math site that has activities related to the grade two curriculum, for students interested in doing some online math at home, these links are great and a lot of fun!  I recommend checking them out to build on your math skills outside of the classroom. 

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