How the weather has changed... just weeks ago we were wearing t-shirts outside. We used the new weather to inspire us to brainstorm descriptive ways we could describe winter. We read an arctic tale about a blizzard and then the students started working in small groups, together creating a poem about winter/blizzards. Their poems are very creave and are coming along nicely! I've seen a lot of growth in the students writing since we did the fall group poems. I look forward to seeing the final product!
The students worked on their 'Promise is a Promise' watercolour painting with Mrs. Hittel the art teacher last week. The students picked a quote from a story and used the text to adapt their version of a picture from the story. The paintings turned out very well! Look out for a display on sharing night.
The students are continuing their arctic fairytale writing. We are getting closer to the publishing process. We have a new editing process we have implemented in class, it always gives the students something to work on because they are aware of what step they should be on before they can more on. Most of the students are onto their typing, being fairly new to typing it's understandable that some get frustrated but we have talked about how practice will help them get even quicker as time goes on. I found these websites online that are fun to practice typing skills if your child is interested in checking out:
Typing games
Dance mat typing
We have been continuing to use the base ten blocks and indentifying multiple ways to represent numbers. We are learning how to do multi-step problems with the base blocks and though it is challanging, it is important for the students to be able to solve problems using multiple steps, it is a skill that will help them in the future!
As we have been doing our inquiry work the students are creating a large mural of 'showing what we know'. They has learned quite a bit during doing their research and by create the mural the student can reflect on what they know and what do they still hope to learn about more.
I recently read the students a story called 'Winston of Churchill: One Bear's Battle Against Global Warming' It touched on the problem in Churchill, Manitoba with the polar bears unable to make it to Churchill to hunt for food due to the melting ice floats and the inablility for the bears to swim such long distances. It was a great little story indicating the small things the average person can do to help. I'll be showing them a video this week taken at Churchill where scientists explain what they know about polar bears and the kind of work they do with them.

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