Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekly Update

Hello parents and students!

Last week was such a busy week for us, this week even more so! We just finished out pattern unit in math, we might revisit it later on but now we have moved on to our data collection and sorting unit. The students created their own graph last week, learning how to label, collect information but also explain what they discovered. We have been working hard on our writing, the students have been learning the importance of editing our work and also providing details in our writing. Who? What? Where? Why? How? When? Those are the questions I ask the students to ask when they are reviewing their work, if they are not answered we've discussed how would the reader know what's happening?

In science we're started out 'Exploring Liquids" unit. On Friday we did a series of experiments with water, though it was a bit messy and wet the students are learning how to record their observations. Throughout this unit we will be doing even more experiments and hopefully the students will enjoy being scientists!

This week we have started our study of the Arctic. The students will come up with their own personal question about the Arctic and through our inquiries I hope we will learn a lot about the region and be able to compare it to where we live now. I asked the students to write in their agendas to bring 'crafty' materials. As a class we are going to build a model of the region we are studying and anything that could contribute to this from home would be appreciated! Things like wool, paper towel rolls, leftover paint, construction paper, buttons, pebbles, styrofoam, anything!

Ms. Q

It was so nice to meet all the parents last week, I look forward to posting the work we do in class on the blog soon enough!

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