Hello parents and students!
I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve last updated, it’s been a busy few weeks for the students! We have been continuing with our prairie inquiry work, we have been taking a break from the past and focusing on the community around us. The students all chose a prairie animal that interested them and did some research. They created questions and write ups about the landscape, food, habitat and most important their size. We needed to know the size because the students were posed the challenge to make life sized animals! We have been doing our measurement unit in math and they put their skills to the test, it wasn’t easy but they managed to successfully recreate the animals! In art with Mrs. Hittel they then did some painting techniques to make it look even more realistic.
We have been doing a lot of work in measurement, using non-standard units of measurement, comparing and estimating. We have continued our work with a daily word problem and teh stduents onctinue to practice their mental math strategies.
In science we wrapped up our hot and cold unit and now we have started boats and buoyancy. This unit will be a lot of fun as there are plenty of experiments and problem solving tasks for the students to use their scientific inquiry skills!
The students have still been working on their prairie stories and poetry, when you come for sharing night have them share what they have done so far.
Have a great week, hopefully I will see everyone on Thursday!
Ms. Q